Friday, December 14, 2007

When Traditional American Values Seem Crazy

I was watching the Republican Presidential debate this week and I was happy to see the surprising presence of a new face. Standing on the far left of the stage meticulously dressed in a dark suit, white shirt and deep red tie was none other than Alan Keyes. I was surprised and excited. Alan Keyes is a new and late comer to this primary season but he is not new to Presidential politics. He is a brilliant scholar and renowned debater. True his greatest political achievement was a surprising third place finish in the 2000 Iowa Caucus, but nevertheless I was excited to see him on the stage.

Agree or disagree with his politics...Alan Keyes is a straight shooting hard charging statesman. He says what he believes and he will not apologize for it. He said seemingly unheard of things in the he believes that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights...I found myself thinking, "is he allowed to say that on television?" I mean sure all the candidates in both parties pay lip service to faith and mention God, but this guys talks about God as if he were real and involved in the affairs of man.

I have to say that I am glad that Alan Keyes is back in the race because love him or hate him you sit up and listen to what he has to say. He certainly had me thinking and maybe that is good for the process. After all when did quoting the founding fathers start to sound crazy or even unusual?

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